We work with leading, value-aligned industry partners to deliver sustainable, affordable, healthy homes and communities. 

Development Management Services

Our Development Management Service is driven by a total focus on efficiency through the entire development lifecycle.

Our teams diverse professional backgrounds create a unique perspective that can unlock affordability and profitability through commercial structuring, market insight, product design and operational improvement.


iHi Projects are a trusted partner for Landowners looking to deliver multi-faceted impact through development of their land. We believe that through a considered ground up approach it is feasible to deliver socially and environmentally responsible developments whilst maintaining commercial returns.

We’re excited to tailor our development management offering to create maximum impact for value aligned landowners including but not limited to the following:
Full-Service Development Management
Strategic Advisory
Project Feasibility
Commercial Structuring
Project Impact Consulting


We love creating simple solutions in complex environments. Having operated in all aspects of the development lifecycle we bring a unique co-ordination expertise to multi-faceted projects or projects that are looking to move the needle through new products or commercial models.
Joint Venture Development
Multi-party negotiations
Vision and Masterplanning Facilitation
Developer & Builder Interface
Product Innovation


We work closely with our build partners to create value for all parties through efficient product design and improved operational processes. At iHi Projects, we are committed to investing our time, energy, and experience into our build partners to jointly move forward together in a way that considers the unique operational challenges that construction presents.

We love collaborating with builders looking to create a more sustainable building business through design efficiency, operational improvement, procurement, and methodology advancement.
Design & Product Development Consulting
Developer Co-ordination
Operational Improvement
Business Future Proofing 
iHi Projects - Efficiently building futures and elevating lives. Get in touch.
iHi Projects acknowledges the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin nation, the traditional custodians of this land, and pay our respect to the Wurundjeri Elders, past and present.
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